Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
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Lave out some of yr. worst peese of head if yu. see a cashon or any outher of ye. things: ys. quantity meaks a large pie: yu. may make yr. pie one night at but past - to make balls for ye pie take spinige if winter insted of spinig yong beets lemon time & parsley little sweet margrom there must be no more spinige yn. will greene ye. balls pick ym. very fine & no more time & margrom parsley yn. will tast ye balls wash ym. very well & dap ym in a cloth to take all ye. water out ym. sred ym. very smale: yn. have redy halfe a pound of fresh beefe sewet finely sred ye. crume of a manchet greated nutmege greted to yr. tast & a little salt & suger not to sweet: lose not ye. inse of yr. herbs it maks ym. greene: first mix yr. bred & erbs well to gether: yn. yr. sewet nutmege salt & suger to gether when well mixt together put in so many [corons?] yt. hath bene well cland washt & dride as yu. think fit: not too thick of corons: yn. brake in so many eggs as when it is well mixt yu. may make it into balls yn. role ym. up with a litle flower let a litle water boyle & put one in & trie it if too much sewet put more bred if too much bred put more sewet or whot it wants yu. must do ys. befor yu. role ye. balls: ye are apt to take to ye. botom when first put in & are apt to break if ye. stick tarne over
Lave out some of yr. worst peese of head if yu. see a cashon or any outher of ye. things: ys. quantity meaks a large pie: yu. may make yr. pie one night at but past - to make balls for ye pie take spinige if winter insted of spinig yong beets lemon time & parsley little sweet margrom there must be no more spinige yn. will greene ye. balls pick ym. very fine & no more time & margrom parsley yn. will tast ye balls wash ym. very well & dap ym in a cloth to take all ye. water out ym. sred ym. very smale: yn. have redy halfe a pound of fresh beefe sewet finely sred ye. crume of a manchet greated nutmege greted to yr. tast & a little salt & suger not to sweet: lose not ye. inse of yr. herbs it maks ym. greene: first mix yr. bred & erbs well to gether: yn. yr. sewet nutmege salt & suger to gether when well mixt together put in so many [corons?] yt. hath bene well cland washt & dride as yu. think fit: not too thick of corons: yn. brake in so many eggs as when it is well mixt yu. may make it into balls yn. role ym. up with a litle flower let a litle water boyle & put one in & trie it if too much sewet put more bred if too much bred put more sewet or whot it wants yu. must do ys. befor yu. role ye. balls: ye are apt to take to ye. botom when first put in & are apt to break if ye. stick tarne over
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks