Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
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yn take out alle ye erbs be carefoll yu brake not ye fish & with a spoone take of all ye oyld buter yu can: yn power in so much of ye sase as ye dish will hold but not to go over ye crust so sarve it put in ye outher sase as yu have a cashon as yu cut it: when yr sase coms of ye fier put in a litle viniger just to tast it & a grated nuttmeg: if yu can get no srimps it will do without take more grave: if no grave it eats well with melted buter & a litle viniger forst meat Pie Take pigons or smale chickins & mix peper & salte together & a litle suger not so much as too tast sweet mix it well yn sason yr pigons with it with in & with out put some butter in ye bellis: butter yr dish very thick on ye bottome: lay ym in with ye brest downeward lay in some forse meat balls with ym here & there: yn take 2 pound & halfe of good beefe sewit 4 anchovis washt & taken frome ye bons sred ym a litle & mix it in among ye vele & sewet: sred ym very well together tell ye sewet lack very fine yn take ye crome of halfe a peny manchet greated 3 nuttmegs greted: some powderd turne over
yn take out alle ye erbs be carefoll yu brake not ye fish & with a spoone take of all ye oyld buter yu can: yn power in so much of ye sase as ye dish will hold but not to go over ye crust so sarve it put in ye outher sase as yu have a cashon as yu cut it: when yr sase coms of ye fier put in a litle viniger just to tast it & a grated nuttmeg: if yu can get no srimps it will do without take more grave: if no grave it eats well with melted buter & a litle viniger forst meat Pie Take pigons or smale chickins & mix peper & salte together & a litle suger not so much as too tast sweet mix it well yn sason yr pigons with it with in & with out put some butter in ye bellis: butter yr dish very thick on ye bottome: lay ym in with ye brest downeward lay in some forse meat balls with ym here & there: yn take 2 pound & halfe of good beefe sewit 4 anchovis washt & taken frome ye bons sred ym a litle & mix it in among ye vele & sewet: sred ym very well together tell ye sewet lack very fine yn take ye crome of halfe a peny manchet greated 3 nuttmegs greted: some powderd turne over
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks