Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
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mase & peper a litle cloves ye yallowe rine of 2 lemons grated: time & a litle sweet margerom dried salt to yr tast a litle greene parsley washt & dapt well from ye water sred & put in when yu put anchovi: mix yr sasoning & bread together with yr erbs & lemon: yn mix ym very well with yr forst meat: yn 3 or 4 eggs break into it or a cording as yu finde for stifeness be carefoll yu make it not to light it will not role mix ym very well in yr flower, ye table very thick with fine flower: yn lay yr forst meat one it & work it out with yr hand ceepe it frome stickin to ye table as well & yu can: worke it ye cumpas of yr dish: if ye edge crak close it with yr hand yn dust it a litle & rub ye roleinpin with flower & role it all over to make it smooth & al a thickness: make it not to thine it will borne: throst apld plate under it but yu must first make a way for it with a knife take as litle of ye flower with it as yu can: lay a pudin crost of ye same round ye dish yn slip yr meat one ye dish: haveing before had ye brime don all over with ye white of an egge & ye pudin: yn close it veri well to ye brime & even ye outside edge turne ove
mase & peper a litle cloves ye yallowe rine of 2 lemons grated: time & a litle sweet margerom dried salt to yr tast a litle greene parsley washt & dapt well from ye water sred & put in when yu put anchovi: mix yr sasoning & bread together with yr erbs & lemon: yn mix ym very well with yr forst meat: yn 3 or 4 eggs break into it or a cording as yu finde for stifeness be carefoll yu make it not to light it will not role mix ym very well in yr flower, ye table very thick with fine flower: yn lay yr forst meat one it & work it out with yr hand ceepe it frome stickin to ye table as well & yu can: worke it ye cumpas of yr dish: if ye edge crak close it with yr hand yn dust it a litle & rub ye roleinpin with flower & role it all over to make it smooth & al a thickness: make it not to thine it will borne: throst apld plate under it but yu must first make a way for it with a knife take as litle of ye flower with it as yu can: lay a pudin crost of ye same round ye dish yn slip yr meat one ye dish: haveing before had ye brime don all over with ye white of an egge & ye pudin: yn close it veri well to ye brime & even ye outside edge turne ove
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks