Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 94
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Veale Staks yu may cut a leg of veale as yu do muton & so broile & squese ym take veale gravi for ym or a litle water order ym inst as yu do muton: garnis ym with fine collops of bacon fride clere & slises of lemon: or yu may frie yr veale in a frieing pan as yu do scoch collops but a litle browner: when yu have frid all take all ye oyld buter clere frome ym: yn clere ye friein pan & put in it a litle veale gravi or water a litle white wine anchove to tast it yalowe rine of lemon boyle ym together in yr pan yn put yr staks to it buter nutmeg & a litle dust of flower to thicken shack ym together tell ye boyle put ym in ye dish garnish with lemon & pickls: if yn ather broile yn stack or frie ym to much ye will be hard & drie yu may frie mutton ye same way To Frickise Chickins Take 6 smale chickins kild ye day before yn use ym flay ym & cut of ye back legs & pinions: cut ye legs in 2 peses & ye wings in 2 cut of ye specktackls ye rest of ye brest take of ye bone in 2 peeses: all ye outher bons & pinions mash together put water to ym & boyle ym to a stronge brouth rune it throug a sive frie a litle vale & drane ye
Veale Staks yu may cut a leg of veale as yu do muton & so broile & squese ym take veale gravi for ym or a litle water order ym inst as yu do muton: garnis ym with fine collops of bacon fride clere & slises of lemon: or yu may frie yr veale in a frieing pan as yu do scoch collops but a litle browner: when yu have frid all take all ye oyld buter clere frome ym: yn clere ye friein pan & put in it a litle veale gravi or water a litle white wine anchove to tast it yalowe rine of lemon boyle ym together in yr pan yn put yr staks to it buter nutmeg & a litle dust of flower to thicken shack ym together tell ye boyle put ym in ye dish garnish with lemon & pickls: if yn ather broile yn stack or frie ym to much ye will be hard & drie yu may frie mutton ye same way To Frickise Chickins Take 6 smale chickins kild ye day before yn use ym flay ym & cut of ye back legs & pinions: cut ye legs in 2 peses & ye wings in 2 cut of ye specktackls ye rest of ye brest take of ye bone in 2 peeses: all ye outher bons & pinions mash together put water to ym & boyle ym to a stronge brouth rune it throug a sive frie a litle vale & drane ye
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks