Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 129
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bread or all night firs put so much buter one as will cover it: in ye morneing or when yu take it out of ye oven whilst it is very hot have yr pot yu intend to put it in by ye fier very hot: yn take ye venson out of ye pot clere from buter or dregs Lay it one a hot dish by ye fier: yn take 2 trenchers lay a peese of ye lane venson betwene & give it a gentle squese not to hard lest yu mash it: it is to take out ye gravi yn lay it in ye pot yu will ceep it in Let it be very hot yn lay fat amongst it yt it will cut well fat & lene to gether so do tell yu have fild ye pot: Lay it very close & flat in ye pot yn take ye buter it was bakt in very clere from dregs & well scomd yn put it one ye venson to come about a finger bredth above ye venson when it is cold tie a paper over it & ceep it in a cole drie plase: if yu wold have it like red deare yu must sason it ye night before yu bake it with peper salt & a litle salt peter finely powderd: if any gravi come frome take it clere from it in ye morneing put it in ye pot & buter one it & set it in with bread: or bake it all night sason it ye morneing before: venson shold be sasond prity hie scome ye pot to [illegible]
bread or all night firs put so much buter one as will cover it: in ye morneing or when yu take it out of ye oven whilst it is very hot have yr pot yu intend to put it in by ye fier very hot: yn take ye venson out of ye pot clere from buter or dregs Lay it one a hot dish by ye fier: yn take 2 trenchers lay a peese of ye lane venson betwene & give it a gentle squese not to hard lest yu mash it: it is to take out ye gravi yn lay it in ye pot yu will ceep it in Let it be very hot yn lay fat amongst it yt it will cut well fat & lene to gether so do tell yu have fild ye pot: Lay it very close & flat in ye pot yn take ye buter it was bakt in very clere from dregs & well scomd yn put it one ye venson to come about a finger bredth above ye venson when it is cold tie a paper over it & ceep it in a cole drie plase: if yu wold have it like red deare yu must sason it ye night before yu bake it with peper salt & a litle salt peter finely powderd: if any gravi come frome take it clere from it in ye morneing put it in ye pot & buter one it & set it in with bread: or bake it all night sason it ye morneing before: venson shold be sasond prity hie scome ye pot to [illegible]
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks