Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 134
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Lap it about with tape yn set it in a stret pot yt it can stand up an end & even & put as much of yt it was boyld in as well cover it: there must be salt put into ye water before yu boyle it & let it stand tel ye next day yn take it out of ye cloth & put it into a pickle maid with of white wine & viniger: a blade or 2 of mase a peese of lemon pil salt & as much water to ys as will cover it & boyld whenit is cold put it to ye pickle & some young tops of fenell & parsly ceep it downe in ye pickle To coller pigg Take it & dres it & cut of ye head: yn cut it downe ye midle of ye chine yn bone it yn cut it in quarters yn lay it to steep in blew milk & water tel night yn take it out & wipe it & lay it in blewe milk all night in ye morneing lay it out to drane yn wipe it well with a cloth yn sason it & sprinkle it all over with salt one both sides: sason one quarter with nutmeg mase peper & salt ye second quarter lay on sweet margerom leves & salt ye third parsly leves & salt forth young sage laves & salt when ye have lane in sasonin an oure or 2 yn role ym & sprinkle yr cloth with salt & role ym ye cros way in ye cloth stret & even yn lap ym with ye tape ye cloth must
Lap it about with tape yn set it in a stret pot yt it can stand up an end & even & put as much of yt it was boyld in as well cover it: there must be salt put into ye water before yu boyle it & let it stand tel ye next day yn take it out of ye cloth & put it into a pickle maid with of white wine & viniger: a blade or 2 of mase a peese of lemon pil salt & as much water to ys as will cover it & boyld whenit is cold put it to ye pickle & some young tops of fenell & parsly ceep it downe in ye pickle To coller pigg Take it & dres it & cut of ye head: yn cut it downe ye midle of ye chine yn bone it yn cut it in quarters yn lay it to steep in blew milk & water tel night yn take it out & wipe it & lay it in blewe milk all night in ye morneing lay it out to drane yn wipe it well with a cloth yn sason it & sprinkle it all over with salt one both sides: sason one quarter with nutmeg mase peper & salt ye second quarter lay on sweet margerom leves & salt ye third parsly leves & salt forth young sage laves & salt when ye have lane in sasonin an oure or 2 yn role ym & sprinkle yr cloth with salt & role ym ye cros way in ye cloth stret & even yn lap ym with ye tape ye cloth must
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks