Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 146
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ye are drie put ym into a fresh well laded pot ye outher will make ym salt Lay dill in ye botom & a fewe bay laves for about 5 hunderd of cowcombers take 2 nutmegs slist & 3 peny worth of mase about thre score cloves 3 or 4 rases of ginger slist 2 ouncses of longe peper devide these spises into 5 or 6 parts strowe one part at ye botom of ye pot: yn lay in about a sixt part of ye cowcombers yn more spise yn more bay laves & tops put in all ym Lay ye longe stolks one ye top & ye bord which must first be washt & dride yn stons to ceep ym downe: then take about 6 or 7 quarts of good viniger or acording as ye cowcombers are for bigness put to it some salt not much Let it boyle one a quick fier or it will bras saver & scower ye pan first with a Litle viniger & salt to prevent it: yn scome it & power it boyleing hot into ye pot to ye cowcombers have a limin cloth 5 or 6 duble & a string rady to clap on & tie it to ceep in ye stame & a dish over yt & some wait to ceep it close & set it by ye fier to ceepe constantly warme put some wolin cloth about it to ceep it warme turne ye pot some times
ye are drie put ym into a fresh well laded pot ye outher will make ym salt Lay dill in ye botom & a fewe bay laves for about 5 hunderd of cowcombers take 2 nutmegs slist & 3 peny worth of mase about thre score cloves 3 or 4 rases of ginger slist 2 ouncses of longe peper devide these spises into 5 or 6 parts strowe one part at ye botom of ye pot: yn lay in about a sixt part of ye cowcombers yn more spise yn more bay laves & tops put in all ym Lay ye longe stolks one ye top & ye bord which must first be washt & dride yn stons to ceep ym downe: then take about 6 or 7 quarts of good viniger or acording as ye cowcombers are for bigness put to it some salt not much Let it boyle one a quick fier or it will bras saver & scower ye pan first with a Litle viniger & salt to prevent it: yn scome it & power it boyleing hot into ye pot to ye cowcombers have a limin cloth 5 or 6 duble & a string rady to clap on & tie it to ceep in ye stame & a dish over yt & some wait to ceep it close & set it by ye fier to ceepe constantly warme put some wolin cloth about it to ceep it warme turne ye pot some times
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks