Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 152
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rubd pickt washt & drid very well: Let ym be set to ye fier to be warme turne ym some times but Let ym be but warme 8 pound of good sound corons: 1 pound of rasons of ye sun stond & cut with a knife evary rason into 4 or 5 peses 1/2 a pound of sitron very tender cut in prity thin peeses ye cross way mix it & yr frute well together while yr cake is riseing fix yr hoop Lay 2 or 3 shets of large stronge cap paper one a pie bord buter ye top paper very well & ye hop yn make ye hop fast yt it slip not set one ye paper: yn by degres strowe in all ye as yu worke it with yr hands as yu did before: when it is workt in fill ye hope with it Let it want about a fingers bredth of ye top: yn turne up all ye peper about ye hope & tie it so close with a stronge pack thrid yn put it in a good sockin oven Let it stand 4 overs when ye drawe it out of ye oven & tel it be cold be carefoll yu shake it not nor stir ye hope tel it be cold ys is best maid 2 days before it be cut if yu ise it it must be maid rady to spred on a sowne as ever it comes out of ye oven & yn not removd tel it be cold
rubd pickt washt & drid very well: Let ym be set to ye fier to be warme turne ym some times but Let ym be but warme 8 pound of good sound corons: 1 pound of rasons of ye sun stond & cut with a knife evary rason into 4 or 5 peses 1/2 a pound of sitron very tender cut in prity thin peeses ye cross way mix it & yr frute well together while yr cake is riseing fix yr hoop Lay 2 or 3 shets of large stronge cap paper one a pie bord buter ye top paper very well & ye hop yn make ye hop fast yt it slip not set one ye paper: yn by degres strowe in all ye as yu worke it with yr hands as yu did before: when it is workt in fill ye hope with it Let it want about a fingers bredth of ye top: yn turne up all ye peper about ye hope & tie it so close with a stronge pack thrid yn put it in a good sockin oven Let it stand 4 overs when ye drawe it out of ye oven & tel it be cold be carefoll yu shake it not nor stir ye hope tel it be cold ys is best maid 2 days before it be cut if yu ise it it must be maid rady to spred on a sowne as ever it comes out of ye oven & yn not removd tel it be cold
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks