Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 182
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Marygold Wine To one gallon of water take 2 pound of fine suger powder: boyle it halfe an ouer scome it as longe as any will rise or white scome will come of take it of ye fier & put it in a brode coler to cole & when it is blud warme set it for workin: take one spoonefoll of ye serop of sittron or lemon & 4 spoonefolls of yeast not biter & mix it together & put into it 2 quarts of ye deepest coller & largest marygold flowers pickt & brusd in a stone morter or wood & let ym work together tel ye next day yn strane it out into a vessel & when it hath don workin stop it up close & let it stand 3 or 4 weeks yn botle it: it will ceep 2 years yu may let it stand in ye vessel 12 munth yn rack it into an outher vessel with a litle cut iseing glass & a lump of duble refine suger acording as it is for sweetnes Let it stand 6 weeks or 2 munths yn botle it Cowslop wine make it as ye marigold wine
Marygold Wine To one gallon of water take 2 pound of fine suger powder: boyle it halfe an ouer scome it as longe as any will rise or white scome will come of take it of ye fier & put it in a brode coler to cole & when it is blud warme set it for workin: take one spoonefoll of ye serop of sittron or lemon & 4 spoonefolls of yeast not biter & mix it together & put into it 2 quarts of ye deepest coller & largest marygold flowers pickt & brusd in a stone morter or wood & let ym work together tel ye next day yn strane it out into a vessel & when it hath don workin stop it up close & let it stand 3 or 4 weeks yn botle it: it will ceep 2 years yu may let it stand in ye vessel 12 munth yn rack it into an outher vessel with a litle cut iseing glass & a lump of duble refine suger acording as it is for sweetnes Let it stand 6 weeks or 2 munths yn botle it Cowslop wine make it as ye marigold wine
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks