Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1872-December 31, 1874
Page 32
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32nd Wednesday March 6th 1872 A real pleasant day and the roads are getting good this evening just before I dismissed school I told the children I would have a party for them they were very glad When I came home I helped about the supper and other work. Hattie did not go to school today she helped Mother do a two week washing Mr Huebner was over in the evening. I spent the evening very pleasantly of course. Thursday March 7th 1872 It was snowing and blowing this morning like all possessed. Taught today. When I got home there was a letter here from Pete. It was Oh! such a good letter how I did enjoy reading it. I answered it this evening wrote sixteen pages and then there was several things that I had to omit for time and space would not let me write them. I made and baked two large silver cakes tonight had splendid luck with them I guess the weather will permit the little folks coming tomorrow evening I was awful tired and sleepy by the time I was ready for bed I have lost so much sleep
32nd Wednesday March 6th 1872 A real pleasant day and the roads are getting good this evening just before I dismissed school I told the children I would have a party for them they were very glad When I came home I helped about the supper and other work. Hattie did not go to school today she helped Mother do a two week washing Mr Huebner was over in the evening. I spent the evening very pleasantly of course. Thursday March 7th 1872 It was snowing and blowing this morning like all possessed. Taught today. When I got home there was a letter here from Pete. It was Oh! such a good letter how I did enjoy reading it. I answered it this evening wrote sixteen pages and then there was several things that I had to omit for time and space would not let me write them. I made and baked two large silver cakes tonight had splendid luck with them I guess the weather will permit the little folks coming tomorrow evening I was awful tired and sleepy by the time I was ready for bed I have lost so much sleep
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries