Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1872-December 31, 1874
Page 52
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52nd calico dress worked till just afternoon and then dressed and went to town got Charlies pass and sent to him wrote to him also ran around town till I was nearly dead helped do up the work and went to bed. Tuesday April 23rd 1872. Mother and Hatt washed today and I was sewing Mr Huebner was over this morning brought me a dispatch from Charlie I had a letter from Cousin Mattie Corwine Today helped get the supper and did up the work and wrote a letter to Mrs Palmer It has been warm today But very windy. Wednesday April 24th 1872 Mother and Hatt did the ironing and I have sewed as hard as I could and finished Hatts dress it looks nicely A warm windy day but a beautiful eve Mr Huebner was here and staid about half an hour was tired and went to bed early. Had a letter from Cousin Mattie. Thursday April 25th 1872. A warm day I helped do up the work this morning and Hatt ripped up my red sacque Grandma Folsom was here most of the day Mother went to town
52nd calico dress worked till just afternoon and then dressed and went to town got Charlies pass and sent to him wrote to him also ran around town till I was nearly dead helped do up the work and went to bed. Tuesday April 23rd 1872. Mother and Hatt washed today and I was sewing Mr Huebner was over this morning brought me a dispatch from Charlie I had a letter from Cousin Mattie Corwine Today helped get the supper and did up the work and wrote a letter to Mrs Palmer It has been warm today But very windy. Wednesday April 24th 1872 Mother and Hatt did the ironing and I have sewed as hard as I could and finished Hatts dress it looks nicely A warm windy day but a beautiful eve Mr Huebner was here and staid about half an hour was tired and went to bed early. Had a letter from Cousin Mattie. Thursday April 25th 1872. A warm day I helped do up the work this morning and Hatt ripped up my red sacque Grandma Folsom was here most of the day Mother went to town
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries