Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1872-December 31, 1874
Page 63
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63rd this morning and Mother and I had some ice cream there today We saw Mr Palmer and he said he would be over again tonight but it rained slightly and he did not come I had a letter from Arth and answered it this evening Wednesday May 22nd 1872. We moved the cook stoves out into the new kitchen today and had only just got it done when here came Jim McCollister and family and Grand ma and pa. Of course all business was suspended till dinner was over and then we took things out of the middle room and washed the wood work. Mr Ogden was here and varnished the wood work in the parlor and calcimined the ceiling. A splendid day. Thursday May 23rd 1872 Hattie stayed at home from school today and did the house work while Mother and I papered We got the paper all on and Oh how tired we were as soon as supper was over I went to bed. It has been a pleasant day pretty cool though for the time of year Mr Palmer left town very unexpectedly yesterday how funny that he did not tell us Two notes from Mr H_
63rd this morning and Mother and I had some ice cream there today We saw Mr Palmer and he said he would be over again tonight but it rained slightly and he did not come I had a letter from Arth and answered it this evening Wednesday May 22nd 1872. We moved the cook stoves out into the new kitchen today and had only just got it done when here came Jim McCollister and family and Grand ma and pa. Of course all business was suspended till dinner was over and then we took things out of the middle room and washed the wood work. Mr Ogden was here and varnished the wood work in the parlor and calcimined the ceiling. A splendid day. Thursday May 23rd 1872 Hattie stayed at home from school today and did the house work while Mother and I papered We got the paper all on and Oh how tired we were as soon as supper was over I went to bed. It has been a pleasant day pretty cool though for the time of year Mr Palmer left town very unexpectedly yesterday how funny that he did not tell us Two notes from Mr H_
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries