Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1872-December 31, 1874
Page 86
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86th Monday July 29th 1872 Mother and I did a large washing this forenoon I had a note of unusual importance from Mr Huebner which I answered this afternoon and wrote to Bertie I dressed and took them to the office. Stopped to see Sade and she made me stay till after supper I borrowed a book of her. I feel awful blue tonight, this has been the warmest day of the season. Laura was here this afternoon. Tuesday July 30th 1872 It is still very warm We did the ironing this morning. immediately after dinner I dressed and went to town. Did my shopping and Mr Huebner brought me home in a buggy we took a drive down the river got home before supper. Wednesday July 31st 1872 We did up the work today and then Mother and I went over to Mrs Thornburys visiting had a very pleasant day When we got home we found Mrs Moon here she had been spending the day with Hattie. We got supper before she went home I did up the work and went to bed I was so very tired.
86th Monday July 29th 1872 Mother and I did a large washing this forenoon I had a note of unusual importance from Mr Huebner which I answered this afternoon and wrote to Bertie I dressed and took them to the office. Stopped to see Sade and she made me stay till after supper I borrowed a book of her. I feel awful blue tonight, this has been the warmest day of the season. Laura was here this afternoon. Tuesday July 30th 1872 It is still very warm We did the ironing this morning. immediately after dinner I dressed and went to town. Did my shopping and Mr Huebner brought me home in a buggy we took a drive down the river got home before supper. Wednesday July 31st 1872 We did up the work today and then Mother and I went over to Mrs Thornburys visiting had a very pleasant day When we got home we found Mrs Moon here she had been spending the day with Hattie. We got supper before she went home I did up the work and went to bed I was so very tired.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries