English cookbook, 1700
Page 60a
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Gutter'd Orange Take 8 eggs the whits of four beat e'm will togeather then squeese into e'm the Juice of seven good Oranges & three or four spoonfulls of range flower water let e'm run thro a hair sive into a silver bason put beaten shuger to your tast, then sett it over a jentle fire & when it is pritty thick pour it into a broad flat dish, & serve it up when cold, Lemon jelly take 3 great or 4 little Lemons cut e'm in halves & take out all the meat into a silverpot put as much water as the
Gutter'd Orange Take 8 eggs the whits of four beat e'm will togeather then squeese into e'm the Juice of seven good Oranges & three or four spoonfulls of range flower water let e'm run thro a hair sive into a silver bason put beaten shuger to your tast, then sett it over a jentle fire & when it is pritty thick pour it into a broad flat dish, & serve it up when cold, Lemon jelly take 3 great or 4 little Lemons cut e'm in halves & take out all the meat into a silverpot put as much water as the
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks