William Legg Henderson journal #03, January 1 - December 31, 1863
1863-03-23 -- 1863-03-25
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March, MONDAY, 23, 1863. I wrote to David & Father & Mother. 24 deserters of 39" Iowa were sent South in irons to day. "I played a few games "pleasant weather",, TUESDAY, 24. I mailed a letter to Jane inclosing a ring of Clam shell purple I and F Moine went to a Theatre and Heard & saw Richard III performed also a farce "Crossing the line" WEDNESDAY, 25. The most contemtable order was read to us by Gen Baker that we were to be taken on a Boat out in the Missippi before we were paid, & sent off so we Cant even redeem our shirts from Washwoman
March, MONDAY, 23, 1863. I wrote to David & Father & Mother. 24 deserters of 39" Iowa were sent South in irons to day. "I played a few games "pleasant weather",, TUESDAY, 24. I mailed a letter to Jane inclosing a ring of Clam shell purple I and F Moine went to a Theatre and Heard & saw Richard III performed also a farce "Crossing the line" WEDNESDAY, 25. The most contemtable order was read to us by Gen Baker that we were to be taken on a Boat out in the Missippi before we were paid, & sent off so we Cant even redeem our shirts from Washwoman
Civil War Diaries and Letters