William Legg Henderson journal #03, January 1 - December 31, 1863
1863-09-04 -- 1863-09-06
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Camp on Bear Creek September, FRIDAY, 4, 1863. My apetite is returning some again. Captain Warner made out Furloughs for me & P. R. Ketchum to day. Reading some to day. Hot days & very Cool nights SATURDAY, 5. Wrote a letter to Father & Mother walked out some to day, & fixed my Trowesers by letting down the Hem. Read some in my Bible. Amused my self with Reading the Heart of Mid Lothian. .Rather Cool. SUNDAY 6. Mailed a letter to Jane. James Stwart is acting orderely during my sickness. 8 of the Company Reported sick this morning. Wm Maguard Co "B" Died in Regt Hospital to day
Camp on Bear Creek September, FRIDAY, 4, 1863. My apetite is returning some again. Captain Warner made out Furloughs for me & P. R. Ketchum to day. Reading some to day. Hot days & very Cool nights SATURDAY, 5. Wrote a letter to Father & Mother walked out some to day, & fixed my Trowesers by letting down the Hem. Read some in my Bible. Amused my self with Reading the Heart of Mid Lothian. .Rather Cool. SUNDAY 6. Mailed a letter to Jane. James Stwart is acting orderely during my sickness. 8 of the Company Reported sick this morning. Wm Maguard Co "B" Died in Regt Hospital to day
Civil War Diaries and Letters