William Legg Henderson journal #01, October 3, 1861 - February 25, 1862
Page 64 1861-10-29
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64 Oct 29 Dubuque Co Iowa 1861 the fine weather which we have had for the last two weeks changed suddenly this morning when a gale of wind sprung up from the North West with out rain but very cold. Pitch was furnished to each Company to baten up the cracks of them shanties in order to break the wind and at eight oclock it commenced
64 Oct 29 Dubuque Co Iowa 1861 the fine weather which we have had for the last two weeks changed suddenly this morning when a gale of wind sprung up from the North West with out rain but very cold. Pitch was furnished to each Company to baten up the cracks of them shanties in order to break the wind and at eight oclock it commenced
Civil War Diaries and Letters