Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1885-September 19, 1886
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Tuesday January 27th 1885 We sent for Hatt and the children and Aunty Walker today. Had a good time with them. I worked on my edging Wednesday January 28th 1885 A very cold day. We had the washing done I worked on my edging and wrote a letter to Charlie & Ida and answered one I received from Will. Thursday January 29th 1885 Weather a little more moderate. Hatt was here for dinner. I did some sewing and worked on my edging Friday January 30th 1885 It was a pleasant day and a most beautiful night The folks all went down to Uncle Jims to a church social. I spent the evening writing and reading Saturday January 31st 1885 I rode over town in the big sleigh this morning. I spent the day at Hatts. Grand mother was there. Mother came over in the afternoon and we walked home together. I played on the piano in the evening. Sunday February 1st 1885 I went to church this morning Otto was with me Mother rode down to Robinsons to see how Sue was Ott went to the valley in the afternoon I read a little note to Vene Monday February 2nd 19885 Hattie was over with the children all day. Little Rob is not very well. I worked on my edging some and helped take are of the children.
Tuesday January 27th 1885 We sent for Hatt and the children and Aunty Walker today. Had a good time with them. I worked on my edging Wednesday January 28th 1885 A very cold day. We had the washing done I worked on my edging and wrote a letter to Charlie & Ida and answered one I received from Will. Thursday January 29th 1885 Weather a little more moderate. Hatt was here for dinner. I did some sewing and worked on my edging Friday January 30th 1885 It was a pleasant day and a most beautiful night The folks all went down to Uncle Jims to a church social. I spent the evening writing and reading Saturday January 31st 1885 I rode over town in the big sleigh this morning. I spent the day at Hatts. Grand mother was there. Mother came over in the afternoon and we walked home together. I played on the piano in the evening. Sunday February 1st 1885 I went to church this morning Otto was with me Mother rode down to Robinsons to see how Sue was Ott went to the valley in the afternoon I read a little note to Vene Monday February 2nd 19885 Hattie was over with the children all day. Little Rob is not very well. I worked on my edging some and helped take are of the children.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries