Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1885-September 19, 1886
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Saturday July 11th 1885 I was at home all day. finished up Mother's dress and practiced some. She was over to Clutes in the afternoon. John came over for supper and Mr. Free come to stay all night with Ott. Mr and Mrs Fred Harris called in the evening Sunday July 12th 1885 I was busy about the house most of the forenoon. We had an early dinner and Ott, Mr. Free, May and I rode down to the valley and made calls. Mother had supper ready when we come home. We talked all the evening on the proch. Monday July 13th 1885 Mother went to town in the forenoon and sent home some berries which she put up in the afternoon. I practiced while she was gone. Hatt was over with Edith. I sewed in the afternoon making May a waist and finished Mothers town dress. weather rather pleasant. Tuesday July 14th 1885 I went to town earlty. I took my lesson and did some errands around town. I was into Lee's store and met Mr. Free there and we planned a surprise party at home for Ott next Friday night. I had my dinner at Hatts and went over to Ashleys to fix Mays dress. I staid to Hatts till after supper as Ott and Mr Free were there I had a letter from Charlie today and one from Will he had not received my last letter when he wrote.
Saturday July 11th 1885 I was at home all day. finished up Mother's dress and practiced some. She was over to Clutes in the afternoon. John came over for supper and Mr. Free come to stay all night with Ott. Mr and Mrs Fred Harris called in the evening Sunday July 12th 1885 I was busy about the house most of the forenoon. We had an early dinner and Ott, Mr. Free, May and I rode down to the valley and made calls. Mother had supper ready when we come home. We talked all the evening on the proch. Monday July 13th 1885 Mother went to town in the forenoon and sent home some berries which she put up in the afternoon. I practiced while she was gone. Hatt was over with Edith. I sewed in the afternoon making May a waist and finished Mothers town dress. weather rather pleasant. Tuesday July 14th 1885 I went to town earlty. I took my lesson and did some errands around town. I was into Lee's store and met Mr. Free there and we planned a surprise party at home for Ott next Friday night. I had my dinner at Hatts and went over to Ashleys to fix Mays dress. I staid to Hatts till after supper as Ott and Mr Free were there I had a letter from Charlie today and one from Will he had not received my last letter when he wrote.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries