Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1885-September 19, 1886
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Sunday July 19th 1885 It was a very warm day. I read a little and rested some. John & Hatt were over with the children in the afternoon. Mr Free came over in the evening and staid all night. Monday July 20th 1885 Mother went to town the first thing this morning to get a carpet for one of the rooms upstairs. I got a little work done in Lee's room. We made the new carpet in the afternoon and finished his room. Tuesday July 21st 1885 We did a big days work at the cleaning doing both the south rooms up stairs and we took up the carpet in my old room and Mother and Joe washed it. weather hot and showery. I had a letter from Will. Wednesday July 22nd 1885 I cleaned up the garret this morning. Mother went to the valley with Lee and was gone till noon. There was a picnic in the grove and as it looked like rain they spent most of the day in the yard. Mother went to visit over to Hatts. I was about sick all day. Thursday July 23rd 1885 This is my birthday. I sewed the carpet for my room and put it down. I got done at four oclock and went over to Hatts for supper. She gave me a pretty vase for a present. Ott a black fan and Will sent me a nice pocket boo, weather oppresively warm.
Sunday July 19th 1885 It was a very warm day. I read a little and rested some. John & Hatt were over with the children in the afternoon. Mr Free came over in the evening and staid all night. Monday July 20th 1885 Mother went to town the first thing this morning to get a carpet for one of the rooms upstairs. I got a little work done in Lee's room. We made the new carpet in the afternoon and finished his room. Tuesday July 21st 1885 We did a big days work at the cleaning doing both the south rooms up stairs and we took up the carpet in my old room and Mother and Joe washed it. weather hot and showery. I had a letter from Will. Wednesday July 22nd 1885 I cleaned up the garret this morning. Mother went to the valley with Lee and was gone till noon. There was a picnic in the grove and as it looked like rain they spent most of the day in the yard. Mother went to visit over to Hatts. I was about sick all day. Thursday July 23rd 1885 This is my birthday. I sewed the carpet for my room and put it down. I got done at four oclock and went over to Hatts for supper. She gave me a pretty vase for a present. Ott a black fan and Will sent me a nice pocket boo, weather oppresively warm.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries