Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
Page 35
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(35) To Ragou a Breast of Veal Roast your Veal till it be Enough and bone it then cut some sweet breads and Artychoak Bottoms in Slices, fry them Brown and put them in your Toss-pan with a pint of Gravie and half a pint of white wine Some Mushrooms Oysters and their Liquor let them Stew a quarter of an hour thicken it with the Yolks of four Eggs well beaten with a little White wine and pour them in as you take the pan of the fire then put in your Breast of Veal and give it two or three turns in the Liquor. then lay it in your Dish and pour the Liquor over it, and Garnish it with Mushrooms and Lemon.
(35) To Ragou a Breast of Veal Roast your Veal till it be Enough and bone it then cut some sweet breads and Artychoak Bottoms in Slices, fry them Brown and put them in your Toss-pan with a pint of Gravie and half a pint of white wine Some Mushrooms Oysters and their Liquor let them Stew a quarter of an hour thicken it with the Yolks of four Eggs well beaten with a little White wine and pour them in as you take the pan of the fire then put in your Breast of Veal and give it two or three turns in the Liquor. then lay it in your Dish and pour the Liquor over it, and Garnish it with Mushrooms and Lemon.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks