Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
Page 78
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(78) Calves Feet Jelly Boil four large feet in Seven Quarts of Water till they boil down to four, then then Strain it from the feet, & Skim of the fatt, & to four quarts of Jelly Stock put the Juice of four large lemmons, a pint of White Wine or Sack but Shary is best, put in the peel of a lemon, & a pound of Loaf Sugar, then beat up the whites of Nine Eggs to a froth & Whisk them into your Jelly, When it is but Just Warm, then set it on the fire, & when it Rises to aboil pour in a Noggin of cold Cinnamon Water, and let it take two or three Boils more, then take of the thick
(78) Calves Feet Jelly Boil four large feet in Seven Quarts of Water till they boil down to four, then then Strain it from the feet, & Skim of the fatt, & to four quarts of Jelly Stock put the Juice of four large lemmons, a pint of White Wine or Sack but Shary is best, put in the peel of a lemon, & a pound of Loaf Sugar, then beat up the whites of Nine Eggs to a froth & Whisk them into your Jelly, When it is but Just Warm, then set it on the fire, & when it Rises to aboil pour in a Noggin of cold Cinnamon Water, and let it take two or three Boils more, then take of the thick
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks