Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
Page 83
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(83) A Cold Cream Take half a pint of Trotter Oil half an Ounce of White Wax, half an Ounce of Palimacity, Melt the Wax and Palmicity in the Oil Over the fire, then put it into a punchbowl, and have three half pints of pipewater Clear and settled, and put a penny worth of Benjamin Water to it, by a Spoonfull at a time till it be all in and keep beating of it for two Hours, till they be all well Mix'd then put it in an Earthen pott With a little Hungary Water About it, and tye a piece of Lather over it.
(83) A Cold Cream Take half a pint of Trotter Oil half an Ounce of White Wax, half an Ounce of Palimacity, Melt the Wax and Palmicity in the Oil Over the fire, then put it into a punchbowl, and have three half pints of pipewater Clear and settled, and put a penny worth of Benjamin Water to it, by a Spoonfull at a time till it be all in and keep beating of it for two Hours, till they be all well Mix'd then put it in an Earthen pott With a little Hungary Water About it, and tye a piece of Lather over it.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks