Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
Page 38
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(38) To Candy Angelico Take your stalks of Angelico & cut them in little peices. then put in water. & take it & put it in your pan with as much water as will cover it. then let it boile. take it of & let it stand till it be cold. then put it in your pan with cold water. & cover it with your leaves. & set it on a slow fire till it be greene. then take it out & drain it & put it in a cleane pan. you may lay it pretty close. then cover it with Clarified sugar. you may take either loafe sugar or fine powder sugar. you must throw it on dry upon every [haire?] to a pound of Angelico you must put 3 quarters of a pound of sugar. or if you Candy it out of that syrrup you must put a pound of sugar to a pound of Angelico but if you doe not dry your Angelico you must boile it in sugar till it will [flies?] then rub it with your scimmer. & so lay it on your wyres till it be cold. & when you keepe it dry for Candying you must dry it from your syrrup & boile your syrrup very well then put it to your Angelico & give it a very good boile till it be very cleare. & let it stand in your pan till the next day then take it out & set it straight up [in?] your seive to dry. & when it is almost dry doe them well over with your double refined sugar in your dusting bag. but besure you dry it very well before you put it into your box to keepe. & you may keepe for Candying 12 months. & it lookes much better to Candy it out when it is dried as you want it.
(38) To Candy Angelico Take your stalks of Angelico & cut them in little peices. then put in water. & take it & put it in your pan with as much water as will cover it. then let it boile. take it of & let it stand till it be cold. then put it in your pan with cold water. & cover it with your leaves. & set it on a slow fire till it be greene. then take it out & drain it & put it in a cleane pan. you may lay it pretty close. then cover it with Clarified sugar. you may take either loafe sugar or fine powder sugar. you must throw it on dry upon every [haire?] to a pound of Angelico you must put 3 quarters of a pound of sugar. or if you Candy it out of that syrrup you must put a pound of sugar to a pound of Angelico but if you doe not dry your Angelico you must boile it in sugar till it will [flies?] then rub it with your scimmer. & so lay it on your wyres till it be cold. & when you keepe it dry for Candying you must dry it from your syrrup & boile your syrrup very well then put it to your Angelico & give it a very good boile till it be very cleare. & let it stand in your pan till the next day then take it out & set it straight up [in?] your seive to dry. & when it is almost dry doe them well over with your double refined sugar in your dusting bag. but besure you dry it very well before you put it into your box to keepe. & you may keepe for Candying 12 months. & it lookes much better to Candy it out when it is dried as you want it.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks