Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
Page 199
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(199) To roast a pike Take a large pike & scale it & gut it. & wash it very cleane. if you please may lard it with a pickled hering & some Lemon pill. then lay it to roast & when it is very browne you must make fine fish sawce & what pickles you please. To stew flunders or whitings or any sort of fish in the oven Take your fish & wash it & dresse it. then lay it in your stew pan. but doe not lay one fish upon another. & put as much water as will cover your fish with a posy of sweet herbs. & cover them. & send them to the oven. & then have some of your fish sawce ready to power on it before you send it to the oven. & strew over it 3 or 4 blades of mace & garnish your dish with Lemons or pickles or what you please.
(199) To roast a pike Take a large pike & scale it & gut it. & wash it very cleane. if you please may lard it with a pickled hering & some Lemon pill. then lay it to roast & when it is very browne you must make fine fish sawce & what pickles you please. To stew flunders or whitings or any sort of fish in the oven Take your fish & wash it & dresse it. then lay it in your stew pan. but doe not lay one fish upon another. & put as much water as will cover your fish with a posy of sweet herbs. & cover them. & send them to the oven. & then have some of your fish sawce ready to power on it before you send it to the oven. & strew over it 3 or 4 blades of mace & garnish your dish with Lemons or pickles or what you please.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks