Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
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To Make the Little Cakes in pan Take 8 Eggs a pound of fresh butter a pound of sugar 3 quarter of a pound of flower what [seede ?] [?] _______________ To make Radishes Mrs Best Take the yolks of Eight Eggs, Beat them very well, Stire into them three quarters of a pound of sugar then Beat the whites to a froth & putt them in. then add three quarter of a pound of flower, three ounces of swet Almonds, one ounce of better Almonde, putt in a Little rose watter [as?] you beat the Almon the rind of too Leamons, then grate Some sugar when you put it into the oven
To Make the Little Cakes in pan Take 8 Eggs a pound of fresh butter a pound of sugar 3 quarter of a pound of flower what [seede ?] [?] _______________ To make Radishes Mrs Best Take the yolks of Eight Eggs, Beat them very well, Stire into them three quarters of a pound of sugar then Beat the whites to a froth & putt them in. then add three quarter of a pound of flower, three ounces of swet Almonds, one ounce of better Almonde, putt in a Little rose watter [as?] you beat the Almon the rind of too Leamons, then grate Some sugar when you put it into the oven
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks