Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
Page 215
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(215) To make fine puf paist for Cheescakes Take a quarter of a peck of fine wheat flower & work it into a stif paist with cold water then rowle it in a long peice on a cleane table then have ready washt about 2 pound of butter & lay it on a trensher. then take it of thin with your thumb & cover it all over. then dridge it over with flower & lay it up on either side & turne it downe to the end. & rowle it out againe & you must doe it so for 3 times with butter & flower it will be very fine.
(215) To make fine puf paist for Cheescakes Take a quarter of a peck of fine wheat flower & work it into a stif paist with cold water then rowle it in a long peice on a cleane table then have ready washt about 2 pound of butter & lay it on a trensher. then take it of thin with your thumb & cover it all over. then dridge it over with flower & lay it up on either side & turne it downe to the end. & rowle it out againe & you must doe it so for 3 times with butter & flower it will be very fine.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks