Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
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A receat for Surfitt watter Take [4?] pecks of popey flower half a pound of Ragow. half a pound of figs one ounce of Leckers stalkes 4 ounce of daytes one ounce of anaseedes 8 carraway seeds a quater of a nounce of Cardemems seeds a rase of ginger a little mace & a nuttmige sliced the rasons 8 ffigs & beate the seeds a handfull of [blame?] & angelico then putt to this quantity 8 quarts of brandy & Lett itt stand 4 days then stream itt of you may still your flower after if you pleas with some fresh herbs _______________ 2 drams of Jention: 2 drams of [Zedoroay?] 2 drams of Romon Wormwood 2 drams of Orring peal a Litle Centery Sopp. put to this a pound of boyling watter when you take any of thiss add to it a Little of my own Tintur of rabarb _ given me by my [friend?] C. Peack
A receat for Surfitt watter Take [4?] pecks of popey flower half a pound of Ragow. half a pound of figs one ounce of Leckers stalkes 4 ounce of daytes one ounce of anaseedes 8 carraway seeds a quater of a nounce of Cardemems seeds a rase of ginger a little mace & a nuttmige sliced the rasons 8 ffigs & beate the seeds a handfull of [blame?] & angelico then putt to this quantity 8 quarts of brandy & Lett itt stand 4 days then stream itt of you may still your flower after if you pleas with some fresh herbs _______________ 2 drams of Jention: 2 drams of [Zedoroay?] 2 drams of Romon Wormwood 2 drams of Orring peal a Litle Centery Sopp. put to this a pound of boyling watter when you take any of thiss add to it a Little of my own Tintur of rabarb _ given me by my [friend?] C. Peack
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks