Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1883-December 31, 1883
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Saturday April 14th 1883 I was sewing the greater part of the day. Mother went down to Aunt Marys in the afternoon. Hatt was over here till after supper and went home as Rob and I went to the Remenyi concert. I liked his violin playing very well but the rest was poor. Weather fairly sultry all day but blew up cold at night. Sunday April 15th 1883 I was busy about the house all the forenoon and wrote a letter to Mrs Anderson in the afternoon. Rob and I went to church in the evening. Judge Day is here today Monday April 16th 1883 I helped with the work all the forenoon. We got the washing done. I was over to Hatts all the afternoon. Dr Morsman was fixing my teeth. I had two more pulled today. I helped do up the work after supper and went to bed early.
Saturday April 14th 1883 I was sewing the greater part of the day. Mother went down to Aunt Marys in the afternoon. Hatt was over here till after supper and went home as Rob and I went to the Remenyi concert. I liked his violin playing very well but the rest was poor. Weather fairly sultry all day but blew up cold at night. Sunday April 15th 1883 I was busy about the house all the forenoon and wrote a letter to Mrs Anderson in the afternoon. Rob and I went to church in the evening. Judge Day is here today Monday April 16th 1883 I helped with the work all the forenoon. We got the washing done. I was over to Hatts all the afternoon. Dr Morsman was fixing my teeth. I had two more pulled today. I helped do up the work after supper and went to bed early.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries