Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
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Saturday February 25th 1882. I was at home all day. Hatt was over and Mother went back with her I worked on my spread every minute I could get and finished it late in the evening. Weather pleasanter. Sunday February 26th 1882. I was at home all the forenoon and after dinner I took May and we went over to Hatts she come home with us. After supper Rob and I took her home and we went to church. Monday February 27th 1882. It was a rainy day We did the washing put part of the clothes in the garret and the rest to soak. I was busy working in the rags all day. Tuesday February 28th 1882 Hatt came over early this morning and I went home with her to stay all day worked in the rags over there. Came home before supper. Wrote to Vene in the evening Carney came back today.
Saturday February 25th 1882. I was at home all day. Hatt was over and Mother went back with her I worked on my spread every minute I could get and finished it late in the evening. Weather pleasanter. Sunday February 26th 1882. I was at home all the forenoon and after dinner I took May and we went over to Hatts she come home with us. After supper Rob and I took her home and we went to church. Monday February 27th 1882. It was a rainy day We did the washing put part of the clothes in the garret and the rest to soak. I was busy working in the rags all day. Tuesday February 28th 1882 Hatt came over early this morning and I went home with her to stay all day worked in the rags over there. Came home before supper. Wrote to Vene in the evening Carney came back today.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries