Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
Page 27
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Saturday March 25th 1882. I was busy about the house all the forenoon and was busy doing baking a greater part of the afternoon. Hatt and Win were both over awhile. I did nothing but play on the piano in the evening. I had a good letter from Vene today. Weather warmer. Sunday March 26th 1882. It was a rainy gloomy day I was right at home all day. I read some and wrote a letter to Will Reed in the afternoon. played on the piano on the evening. Monday March 27th 1882. Bridget did a large washing this morning and I cleaned up the house and helped get the dinner I worked in the carpet rags after dinner and Mother went to town I went over town after supper to get me some shoes and spent the evening with Hatt.
Saturday March 25th 1882. I was busy about the house all the forenoon and was busy doing baking a greater part of the afternoon. Hatt and Win were both over awhile. I did nothing but play on the piano in the evening. I had a good letter from Vene today. Weather warmer. Sunday March 26th 1882. It was a rainy gloomy day I was right at home all day. I read some and wrote a letter to Will Reed in the afternoon. played on the piano on the evening. Monday March 27th 1882. Bridget did a large washing this morning and I cleaned up the house and helped get the dinner I worked in the carpet rags after dinner and Mother went to town I went over town after supper to get me some shoes and spent the evening with Hatt.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries