Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
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Saturday May 6th 1882. Mother went to town this morning and I was busy doing the baking till noon. Nelson Van Camp was here for dinner. I went to town right away after dinner and got things to finish Mays dress I did after I came home. Hatt and Mr C_ was here after supper. Weather cold and windy. Sunday May 7th 1882. It was a rainy disagreeable day. I was at home all day I helped with the work in the forenoon and read all the afternoon. Wrote a letter to Uncle Jacob in the evening Monday May 8th 1882. It was pleasanter today and Bridget did the washing. I practiced in the afternoon and went to town soon as I ate my supper, bought a new dress for myself and calico to make aprons Was down to Hatts a few moments.
Saturday May 6th 1882. Mother went to town this morning and I was busy doing the baking till noon. Nelson Van Camp was here for dinner. I went to town right away after dinner and got things to finish Mays dress I did after I came home. Hatt and Mr C_ was here after supper. Weather cold and windy. Sunday May 7th 1882. It was a rainy disagreeable day. I was at home all day I helped with the work in the forenoon and read all the afternoon. Wrote a letter to Uncle Jacob in the evening Monday May 8th 1882. It was pleasanter today and Bridget did the washing. I practiced in the afternoon and went to town soon as I ate my supper, bought a new dress for myself and calico to make aprons Was down to Hatts a few moments.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries