Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
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Friday June 2nd 1882. It was a gloomy rainy day I made me a beaded lace collar and fixed me a couple of night dresses. Hatt was over all the afternoon. I cut some handkerchiefs in the evening for myself. Saturday June 3rd 1882. I worked hard all the forenoon cleaning up the house and went over early in the afternoon to get my teeth I went down to Hatts and stayed till after supper, played on the piano in the eve. Sunday June 4th 1882. I got the work done up in time to go to church, Rob went with me, and we heard Mr Ingalls. The folks were over in the afternoon and brought the baby. Monday June 5th 1882. Bridget did the washing this morning I practiced in the afternoon and sewed a little in the evening. Mother was over town in the afternoon.
Friday June 2nd 1882. It was a gloomy rainy day I made me a beaded lace collar and fixed me a couple of night dresses. Hatt was over all the afternoon. I cut some handkerchiefs in the evening for myself. Saturday June 3rd 1882. I worked hard all the forenoon cleaning up the house and went over early in the afternoon to get my teeth I went down to Hatts and stayed till after supper, played on the piano in the eve. Sunday June 4th 1882. I got the work done up in time to go to church, Rob went with me, and we heard Mr Ingalls. The folks were over in the afternoon and brought the baby. Monday June 5th 1882. Bridget did the washing this morning I practiced in the afternoon and sewed a little in the evening. Mother was over town in the afternoon.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries