Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
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Tuesday June 20th 1882. I went to town this morning to get the groceries. After dinner I went to the Chapel and helped with the work over there till supper time. We heard that Mr Pottle and his Mother went in town. Rob and I went to the Opera house to hear John Helmich read his poem, and met Pottles folks there. We then went to the Presidents reception. Otto and Lee went to Grinnell to see the wreck of the tornado east Saturday night. Wednesday June 21st 1882. I went over town this morning to get groceries. I came home and cleaned up the parlor and baked a cake before dinner Charlie Clark started home at eleven oclock. The Greene's Lake & Downan & Day went at two. The Helmich family at four in the afternoon and Pomeroy started to Waterloo at that time. I went over town in the afternoon. Pottles folks came over before supper. I am glad commencement is through. Weather pleasanter.
Tuesday June 20th 1882. I went to town this morning to get the groceries. After dinner I went to the Chapel and helped with the work over there till supper time. We heard that Mr Pottle and his Mother went in town. Rob and I went to the Opera house to hear John Helmich read his poem, and met Pottles folks there. We then went to the Presidents reception. Otto and Lee went to Grinnell to see the wreck of the tornado east Saturday night. Wednesday June 21st 1882. I went over town this morning to get groceries. I came home and cleaned up the parlor and baked a cake before dinner Charlie Clark started home at eleven oclock. The Greene's Lake & Downan & Day went at two. The Helmich family at four in the afternoon and Pomeroy started to Waterloo at that time. I went over town in the afternoon. Pottles folks came over before supper. I am glad commencement is through. Weather pleasanter.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries