Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
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Wednesday June 28th 1882 We took train for Cincinnatti at eight oclock and arrived there at half past twelve. We stayed there till four oclock when Rob and I started to Chillicothe but Flora waited for a through train at seven oclock. We found Mart & Mary with Offetts people at the depot We came right on out with Mart and Mary where we found a good supper ready for us. Thursday June 29th 1882 I was right at Marys all day and took a sleep in the afternoon Wrote a few lines to Hatt. Weather warm. Friday June 30th 1882. I was doing some little jobs of sewing in the forenoon. Marys sister Blanche was here in the afternoon. Mary took Rob and I down to Offetts just before supper time. In the evening Newton and I with Rob and Anna went up to the Library and ice-cream parlors.
Wednesday June 28th 1882 We took train for Cincinnatti at eight oclock and arrived there at half past twelve. We stayed there till four oclock when Rob and I started to Chillicothe but Flora waited for a through train at seven oclock. We found Mart & Mary with Offetts people at the depot We came right on out with Mart and Mary where we found a good supper ready for us. Thursday June 29th 1882 I was right at Marys all day and took a sleep in the afternoon Wrote a few lines to Hatt. Weather warm. Friday June 30th 1882. I was doing some little jobs of sewing in the forenoon. Marys sister Blanche was here in the afternoon. Mary took Rob and I down to Offetts just before supper time. In the evening Newton and I with Rob and Anna went up to the Library and ice-cream parlors.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries