Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
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Wednesday August 9th 1882. Hatt brought the baby over this morning to stay a few days. I was busy all the forenoon washing windows in the back part of the house and doing other jobs of house-cleaning. Mother and Father went down the river and got a bushel of black-berries in the forenoon and Mother put them up in the afternoon. I went to town to get cutains to be put up tomorrow. Thursday August 10th 1882. Mother went to the valley this morning for Grandma and Bridget and I were busy about the work. And just as we got the dinner ready they came back. As soon as we ate our dinners Rob & Otto with Hatt and I went down after more black beries, were only gone about an hour and got a bushel. Mother put them up in the afternoon. I had the head-ache so I was nearly sick. After supper I felt better and Hatt and I went to town and were gone an hour. I had a letter from Mifs Lewis. We had a new boarder today.
Wednesday August 9th 1882. Hatt brought the baby over this morning to stay a few days. I was busy all the forenoon washing windows in the back part of the house and doing other jobs of house-cleaning. Mother and Father went down the river and got a bushel of black-berries in the forenoon and Mother put them up in the afternoon. I went to town to get cutains to be put up tomorrow. Thursday August 10th 1882. Mother went to the valley this morning for Grandma and Bridget and I were busy about the work. And just as we got the dinner ready they came back. As soon as we ate our dinners Rob & Otto with Hatt and I went down after more black beries, were only gone about an hour and got a bushel. Mother put them up in the afternoon. I had the head-ache so I was nearly sick. After supper I felt better and Hatt and I went to town and were gone an hour. I had a letter from Mifs Lewis. We had a new boarder today.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries