Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1882-December 31, 1882
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Monday August 14th 1882. I went over town early this morning to get some things for dinner. I baked some cakes before dinner, and in the afternoon Mother and I took care of Edith while Hatt went over to town. Most of the cousins came up and appeared to enjoy themselves very well. It was too warm to enjoy dancing much. The baby did not appear as well tonight and I did not feel very well myself. A letter from Mifs Lewis Tuesday August 15th 1882. I was busy about the work all the forenoon and am feeling some better. Bridget went away to be gone all day In the afternoon the young folks took their suppers with them and went up to the boat-house to be gone till night. I sewed a little in the afternoon and helped Hatt take care of the baby We were busy after supper doing up the work and putting away the milk. had a letter from Vene.
Monday August 14th 1882. I went over town early this morning to get some things for dinner. I baked some cakes before dinner, and in the afternoon Mother and I took care of Edith while Hatt went over to town. Most of the cousins came up and appeared to enjoy themselves very well. It was too warm to enjoy dancing much. The baby did not appear as well tonight and I did not feel very well myself. A letter from Mifs Lewis Tuesday August 15th 1882. I was busy about the work all the forenoon and am feeling some better. Bridget went away to be gone all day In the afternoon the young folks took their suppers with them and went up to the boat-house to be gone till night. I sewed a little in the afternoon and helped Hatt take care of the baby We were busy after supper doing up the work and putting away the milk. had a letter from Vene.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries