English cookbook, 1820
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To make Rusks Mrs Robinson Winstanley. - Half a pound of fresh Butter a quarter of moist Sugar, Two Eggs to a Pint of Milk and one Table Spoonful of Barm - melt the Butter in the Milk take as much flour as will make these ingredients into a light Paste and pour the Milk when cool into the middle of the flour - with the Eggs Barm and Sugar moist, stir it up with part of the flour as for Sponge, and let it stand half an Hour to rise - them make it into a weak Dough, then it it stand an hour to rise - them mold it into what size you please. Cover them with warm flannel upon this till they rise again - Bake them in a quick oven. NB. Rasp and split them & brown them in a Brick oven when the Brown Bread is just drawn. Green Pea Soup Mrs Garickes receipt Three pints of old green Peas to not quite three Quarts of Water boil them very tender then work them Peas & Liquor together thro' a cullender then take one Pint of young Peas 6 cup Lettuce wiped quite dry & cut in pieces 6 Cucumbers pared & cut in lumps two large Onions cut in Slices - all these together put into a Stew Pan with a lump of Butter and let them stew
To make Rusks Mrs Robinson Winstanley. - Half a pound of fresh Butter a quarter of moist Sugar, Two Eggs to a Pint of Milk and one Table Spoonful of Barm - melt the Butter in the Milk take as much flour as will make these ingredients into a light Paste and pour the Milk when cool into the middle of the flour - with the Eggs Barm and Sugar moist, stir it up with part of the flour as for Sponge, and let it stand half an Hour to rise - them make it into a weak Dough, then it it stand an hour to rise - them mold it into what size you please. Cover them with warm flannel upon this till they rise again - Bake them in a quick oven. NB. Rasp and split them & brown them in a Brick oven when the Brown Bread is just drawn. Green Pea Soup Mrs Garickes receipt Three pints of old green Peas to not quite three Quarts of Water boil them very tender then work them Peas & Liquor together thro' a cullender then take one Pint of young Peas 6 cup Lettuce wiped quite dry & cut in pieces 6 Cucumbers pared & cut in lumps two large Onions cut in Slices - all these together put into a Stew Pan with a lump of Butter and let them stew
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks