English cookbook, 1820
Page 88
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Almond Paste for Clopped Hands, Lady L. Bridgemans a pound of bitter almonds blanched and pounded very fine with 4 ounces of Spermacity, add four Tablespoonfulls of Honey and an equal quantity of Brandy - Green Pea Soup Six ounces of Butter Do: Bacon cut in thin pieces put into a Sauce Pan till the butter boils. then put in three pints of young Peas stew them over a slow fire one hour shake the sauce pan often and keep it close cover'd a Knuckle of veal stew'd down in another Pan, to three quarts of Liquor, strain it off and put it to the Peas a small quantity of Cabbage Lettuce six small onions a handful of Pins cain shred all these ingredients small - put in half the Crum of a French Roll let them stew slowly three hours - cut four Cucumbers into large pieces - and a little Mint and Spinage cut small - let these simmer
Almond Paste for Clopped Hands, Lady L. Bridgemans a pound of bitter almonds blanched and pounded very fine with 4 ounces of Spermacity, add four Tablespoonfulls of Honey and an equal quantity of Brandy - Green Pea Soup Six ounces of Butter Do: Bacon cut in thin pieces put into a Sauce Pan till the butter boils. then put in three pints of young Peas stew them over a slow fire one hour shake the sauce pan often and keep it close cover'd a Knuckle of veal stew'd down in another Pan, to three quarts of Liquor, strain it off and put it to the Peas a small quantity of Cabbage Lettuce six small onions a handful of Pins cain shred all these ingredients small - put in half the Crum of a French Roll let them stew slowly three hours - cut four Cucumbers into large pieces - and a little Mint and Spinage cut small - let these simmer
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks