English cookbook, 1820
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Doctor Boerhaves Receipt for Sweet Butter Milk for Consumptive Cases Lady Bradford - Take the Milk from the Cow into a large wide mouth'd Bottle or small Churn about six shillings piece, and and in about ten minutes begin to shake the Bottle, or work the Churn Continually till the flakes of Butter swim about pretty thick and the Milk looks thin and blue quite discharged of all the greasy particles which form the butter then strain it through Muslin or a fine sieve and drink of it in such quantitys as your Stomach will agreeably bear. it must form the whole of your Diet at every Meal eating
Doctor Boerhaves Receipt for Sweet Butter Milk for Consumptive Cases Lady Bradford - Take the Milk from the Cow into a large wide mouth'd Bottle or small Churn about six shillings piece, and and in about ten minutes begin to shake the Bottle, or work the Churn Continually till the flakes of Butter swim about pretty thick and the Milk looks thin and blue quite discharged of all the greasy particles which form the butter then strain it through Muslin or a fine sieve and drink of it in such quantitys as your Stomach will agreeably bear. it must form the whole of your Diet at every Meal eating
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks