English cookbook, 1820
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To make Ratifie Cakes Take 8 ounces of Apricot Kernels or if they are not to be got bitter Almonds blanched beat them very fine, with a little Orange Flower Water, mix them with the Whites of 3 Eggs, well beaten, and put to them two Pd of fine Sugar sifted, work all these together to a Paste then lay them in little round bits upon Tins. set them in an oven that is not too hot and they will rise up, and soon be Baked. - To make a very nice sort of [thimmery?] for Sick People Put three large handfuls Oatmeal ground small, into 2 quarts of your Water, let it steep a day and a night. then pour off that Water and put the
To make Ratifie Cakes Take 8 ounces of Apricot Kernels or if they are not to be got bitter Almonds blanched beat them very fine, with a little Orange Flower Water, mix them with the Whites of 3 Eggs, well beaten, and put to them two Pd of fine Sugar sifted, work all these together to a Paste then lay them in little round bits upon Tins. set them in an oven that is not too hot and they will rise up, and soon be Baked. - To make a very nice sort of [thimmery?] for Sick People Put three large handfuls Oatmeal ground small, into 2 quarts of your Water, let it steep a day and a night. then pour off that Water and put the
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks