English cookbook, 1820
Page 132
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Little Plumb Cakes Midgham - One pound of Sugar, one of Butter one pound of Currants, two pound of flour, eight Eggs and a little Spice to be drop'd on Tins the size of a Walnut - Dr Thickness's Receipt for a Gargle Take Tormentil Root and Pomegranate Bark of each half an ounce - bruise them in a Mortar and put them into a Quart of boiling Water, let them boil slowly for about a Quarter of an hour - when the Decoetion has stood to cool pour it off into a Bottle for use - To four Meat Spoonfulls of the above Decoetion put a tea spoonful of the small Spirit of Vitriol, and use the mixture as a Gargle several times a day - the ingredients may be had from the apothecarry.
Little Plumb Cakes Midgham - One pound of Sugar, one of Butter one pound of Currants, two pound of flour, eight Eggs and a little Spice to be drop'd on Tins the size of a Walnut - Dr Thickness's Receipt for a Gargle Take Tormentil Root and Pomegranate Bark of each half an ounce - bruise them in a Mortar and put them into a Quart of boiling Water, let them boil slowly for about a Quarter of an hour - when the Decoetion has stood to cool pour it off into a Bottle for use - To four Meat Spoonfulls of the above Decoetion put a tea spoonful of the small Spirit of Vitriol, and use the mixture as a Gargle several times a day - the ingredients may be had from the apothecarry.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks