English cookbook, 1820
Page 133
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Potatoe yeast Lady Fred Campbell. Take one pound of Potatoes of the mealy kind boil them till they are quite soft and boil'd them very fine: add as much warm Water fresh boil'd as will make them of the consistency of common yeast. then add two ounces of coarse brown sugar and two table spoonfuls of yeast mix them all together when just warm, and stir them well in a bowl dish, set it by the fire till the fermentation is over which will be in about six hours it will be fit for use the next day - a pound potatoes will make a quart of Barm - for baking use rather more than the same quantity of common yeast. - it is necessary in using this yeast to lay the bread over night, & to let it stand to rise after it is kneaded an hour before it is put into the oven. and it will not fail of making good bread N.B. a pint of this composition added to a new quantity answers instead of
Potatoe yeast Lady Fred Campbell. Take one pound of Potatoes of the mealy kind boil them till they are quite soft and boil'd them very fine: add as much warm Water fresh boil'd as will make them of the consistency of common yeast. then add two ounces of coarse brown sugar and two table spoonfuls of yeast mix them all together when just warm, and stir them well in a bowl dish, set it by the fire till the fermentation is over which will be in about six hours it will be fit for use the next day - a pound potatoes will make a quart of Barm - for baking use rather more than the same quantity of common yeast. - it is necessary in using this yeast to lay the bread over night, & to let it stand to rise after it is kneaded an hour before it is put into the oven. and it will not fail of making good bread N.B. a pint of this composition added to a new quantity answers instead of
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks