English cookbook, 1820
Page 140
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To Wash Leather gloves They must be wash'd in Cold Water which is the grand article then stretch'd on a clean cloth and roll'd up in it. after they have lain two days lay them open till they are dry - they must not go near a fire on any account - The Skin of a Sold or Stock Fish dried and a little bit put into Coffee will clear it very finely. When you pickle red Cabbage, after it has lain a day or two in Salt just before you put it in the pickle - put it in a Cullender and pour boiling Water on it - it takes away the black purple look and greatly improves the Colour To make Mackarooms Mrs Ring Take a pound of Sweet almonds and an ounce of bitter blanch them and beat them to a paste with a little orange flower or Rose Water to prevent them oiling - sift in a pound of Loaf Sugar and the whites of three Eggs beat to a froth mix all these together to a stiff paste and drop them upon [Wafer?] and bake them - when baked cut them separate
To Wash Leather gloves They must be wash'd in Cold Water which is the grand article then stretch'd on a clean cloth and roll'd up in it. after they have lain two days lay them open till they are dry - they must not go near a fire on any account - The Skin of a Sold or Stock Fish dried and a little bit put into Coffee will clear it very finely. When you pickle red Cabbage, after it has lain a day or two in Salt just before you put it in the pickle - put it in a Cullender and pour boiling Water on it - it takes away the black purple look and greatly improves the Colour To make Mackarooms Mrs Ring Take a pound of Sweet almonds and an ounce of bitter blanch them and beat them to a paste with a little orange flower or Rose Water to prevent them oiling - sift in a pound of Loaf Sugar and the whites of three Eggs beat to a froth mix all these together to a stiff paste and drop them upon [Wafer?] and bake them - when baked cut them separate
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks