English cookbook, 1820
Page 141
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To make Currant Cakes Mrs Thing Eedes Cake To one pound of flour three quarters of a pound of Butter fleeced in roll it out two or three time a quarter of a pound of Currants Six ounces of brown Sugar a little Nutmeg and Lemon peel grated - two Ounces of yeast - the Currants, Sugar Nutmeg & Lemon peel must be put in the paste after it is roll'd - To make a kind of Shrewsbery Cake Bamford receipt Half a pound of flower six ounces of Sugar pounded and sifted four Ounces of Butter worked almost to a Cream and one Egg mix all together into a stiff paste but keep half the Sugar to roll them out it. another kind Three quarters of a pound of flour, Butter & Sugar each half a pound the whites of two Eggs - mix all together - cut them out and bake them on Tins. they are better to roll out when they are mixed sometime before - another kind Take Seven ounces of Butter and beat it very well with a Spoon with a little Rose Water add four ounces of Sugar sifted and the yolk of one Egg mix the whole with half a pound of flour to make it stiff enough to bake upon a paper the size you choose the cakes you may add the rind of an orange or Lemon peel grated or Shred fine if you choose it -
To make Currant Cakes Mrs Thing Eedes Cake To one pound of flour three quarters of a pound of Butter fleeced in roll it out two or three time a quarter of a pound of Currants Six ounces of brown Sugar a little Nutmeg and Lemon peel grated - two Ounces of yeast - the Currants, Sugar Nutmeg & Lemon peel must be put in the paste after it is roll'd - To make a kind of Shrewsbery Cake Bamford receipt Half a pound of flower six ounces of Sugar pounded and sifted four Ounces of Butter worked almost to a Cream and one Egg mix all together into a stiff paste but keep half the Sugar to roll them out it. another kind Three quarters of a pound of flour, Butter & Sugar each half a pound the whites of two Eggs - mix all together - cut them out and bake them on Tins. they are better to roll out when they are mixed sometime before - another kind Take Seven ounces of Butter and beat it very well with a Spoon with a little Rose Water add four ounces of Sugar sifted and the yolk of one Egg mix the whole with half a pound of flour to make it stiff enough to bake upon a paper the size you choose the cakes you may add the rind of an orange or Lemon peel grated or Shred fine if you choose it -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks