English cookbook, 1820
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in the dish - they will keep when [illegible] a Week or ten days - and then warm them in the Oven before you eat them. - Veal Fritters Take some fat and lean Veal and a little Bacon pound it smooth season it with some Salt Shalot Nutmeg Anchovy Mace and Lemon Peel, mix them up with Egg into a forcemeat fry them and when dish'd up put some fryed Parsley upon every fritter and what Sauce is most convenient white or brown - Verdie Mrs Battan of Askham - Twelve Seville Oranges and 12 Lemons pared very thin- then put the rinds into one Gallon of Brandy - let it stand 3 days Take 3 gallons of Water and Six pound of Loaf Sugar boil and clear it well with the Whites of Eggs - let it stand till cold, then take the Brandy clear from the rinds
in the dish - they will keep when [illegible] a Week or ten days - and then warm them in the Oven before you eat them. - Veal Fritters Take some fat and lean Veal and a little Bacon pound it smooth season it with some Salt Shalot Nutmeg Anchovy Mace and Lemon Peel, mix them up with Egg into a forcemeat fry them and when dish'd up put some fryed Parsley upon every fritter and what Sauce is most convenient white or brown - Verdie Mrs Battan of Askham - Twelve Seville Oranges and 12 Lemons pared very thin- then put the rinds into one Gallon of Brandy - let it stand 3 days Take 3 gallons of Water and Six pound of Loaf Sugar boil and clear it well with the Whites of Eggs - let it stand till cold, then take the Brandy clear from the rinds
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks