English cookbook, 1820
Page 165
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Receipt for a Sweet Pot Mr Gilbert Master Take a Bushell of pale Roses gather'd dry and pick'd clean - put them in a large Jar and Salt them with a pound and half of common Salt, and half a pound of Bay Salt beat fine, then add to them of cloves and Mace each one ounce, half an ounce of Pimento, and one Nutmeg, all finely powder'd; when the ingredients are mix'd put in two pounds of Lavender flowers fresh gather'd, stir it up now and then - it will keep a few years more by adding more Lavender flowers and common Salt. Forsyth's Composition for fruit Trees Take half a bushel of fresh Cow dung half a bushel of lime rubbish of old buildings (that form cielings of rooms is preferable) half a bushel of wood ashes and a Sixteenth part of bushel of pit or River Sand - the three last articles are to be sifted fine before they are mix'd then work them well together with a Spade and afterwards with a Wooden beater until the Stuff is very smooth like fine plaster
Receipt for a Sweet Pot Mr Gilbert Master Take a Bushell of pale Roses gather'd dry and pick'd clean - put them in a large Jar and Salt them with a pound and half of common Salt, and half a pound of Bay Salt beat fine, then add to them of cloves and Mace each one ounce, half an ounce of Pimento, and one Nutmeg, all finely powder'd; when the ingredients are mix'd put in two pounds of Lavender flowers fresh gather'd, stir it up now and then - it will keep a few years more by adding more Lavender flowers and common Salt. Forsyth's Composition for fruit Trees Take half a bushel of fresh Cow dung half a bushel of lime rubbish of old buildings (that form cielings of rooms is preferable) half a bushel of wood ashes and a Sixteenth part of bushel of pit or River Sand - the three last articles are to be sifted fine before they are mix'd then work them well together with a Spade and afterwards with a Wooden beater until the Stuff is very smooth like fine plaster
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks