English cookbook, 1820
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Gray or Horse Radish Sauce Mrs Master Croston One Tea Spoonful of Mustard - two Meat Spoonfuls of Vinegar, four Meat Spoonful of good Cream, a little Salt - add to this as much grated Horse Radish as will make it about as thick as Onion Sauce. Lemon Pickle Miss Faner - Take one dozen of Lemons grater off the outside Rinds very thin - pull them in four quarters but let them stick together at the bottom - rub on them a quarter of a pound of Bay Salt - Spread them on a dish - let them dry gradually by the fire till the Juice is dried up into them then put them into a Pan - put half an ounce of Mace 1 Oz of Ginger three Table Spoonfuls of Chyan Pods - same quantity of White Mustard Seed - five or Six Cloves of Garlick - Tye these Spices in a Muslin - Cover them with vinegar close the Jar well up - let it stand a week by the fire - Shake it up every day - then Tye the Jar close up and let it stand till the butter is gone off the liquor - the vinegar must be pour'd
Gray or Horse Radish Sauce Mrs Master Croston One Tea Spoonful of Mustard - two Meat Spoonfuls of Vinegar, four Meat Spoonful of good Cream, a little Salt - add to this as much grated Horse Radish as will make it about as thick as Onion Sauce. Lemon Pickle Miss Faner - Take one dozen of Lemons grater off the outside Rinds very thin - pull them in four quarters but let them stick together at the bottom - rub on them a quarter of a pound of Bay Salt - Spread them on a dish - let them dry gradually by the fire till the Juice is dried up into them then put them into a Pan - put half an ounce of Mace 1 Oz of Ginger three Table Spoonfuls of Chyan Pods - same quantity of White Mustard Seed - five or Six Cloves of Garlick - Tye these Spices in a Muslin - Cover them with vinegar close the Jar well up - let it stand a week by the fire - Shake it up every day - then Tye the Jar close up and let it stand till the butter is gone off the liquor - the vinegar must be pour'd
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks