English cookbook, 1820
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Cow Heel Miss Porter Rub the Feet with powder'd Rosin, Scald them Scrape off the Hair and make them clean. Cut them in pieces and crack them so that you can put them easily into your Stew Pot. Cover them well with Water and put them into the Oven - let them Stew till the Meat will leave the Bones. It will take 5 or 6 Hours. - pour it through a hair Sieve. put the Meat down into a Pot let the liquor stand till next day - there will be an Oil at the top, which pour off and use it as you do any other Oil for burning in a Lamp - The Jelly is then fit for use. If you make Blamange, put Cream as in other Receipt for Blamange and all other Ingredients - If Jelly as you make Jelly of Calves Feet. the Meat put down in the pot is very good cut out in Slices and fried with Onions. Season the Meat put down in the pot with what Salt you like but no pepper till you use it - Pepper is apt to make Meat turn Sour - If the Oil for the Lamp shoud grow Stiff and Solid - warm it a little before the Fire when you wish to use it. -
Cow Heel Miss Porter Rub the Feet with powder'd Rosin, Scald them Scrape off the Hair and make them clean. Cut them in pieces and crack them so that you can put them easily into your Stew Pot. Cover them well with Water and put them into the Oven - let them Stew till the Meat will leave the Bones. It will take 5 or 6 Hours. - pour it through a hair Sieve. put the Meat down into a Pot let the liquor stand till next day - there will be an Oil at the top, which pour off and use it as you do any other Oil for burning in a Lamp - The Jelly is then fit for use. If you make Blamange, put Cream as in other Receipt for Blamange and all other Ingredients - If Jelly as you make Jelly of Calves Feet. the Meat put down in the pot is very good cut out in Slices and fried with Onions. Season the Meat put down in the pot with what Salt you like but no pepper till you use it - Pepper is apt to make Meat turn Sour - If the Oil for the Lamp shoud grow Stiff and Solid - warm it a little before the Fire when you wish to use it. -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks