English cookbook, 1820
Page 253
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Plate with a little Milk & water or anything more agreeable to the Palete, and repeat the Dose till the Disorder ceases which it came nearly does in the Second or Third adminestration of the remedy: The acidity of the Stomach in immediately corrected and the effect is Instantaneous - I have seen a Person in the greatest agony of the Bilious cholick effectually cured with a Single Draft of this carbonic preparation, within the power of every family - and ready at the Shortest Notice. For a Cough Mrs Hammer One Ounce of Diacordium - One ounce of Syrup of fresh Squills - Two ounces of Honey mix'd together in a Jar - Two Tea Spoonfuls in a glass of Cold water for a child - Three Spoonfuls for a grown Person - to be taken before rising and just before going to Bed -
Plate with a little Milk & water or anything more agreeable to the Palete, and repeat the Dose till the Disorder ceases which it came nearly does in the Second or Third adminestration of the remedy: The acidity of the Stomach in immediately corrected and the effect is Instantaneous - I have seen a Person in the greatest agony of the Bilious cholick effectually cured with a Single Draft of this carbonic preparation, within the power of every family - and ready at the Shortest Notice. For a Cough Mrs Hammer One Ounce of Diacordium - One ounce of Syrup of fresh Squills - Two ounces of Honey mix'd together in a Jar - Two Tea Spoonfuls in a glass of Cold water for a child - Three Spoonfuls for a grown Person - to be taken before rising and just before going to Bed -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks